On Friday I finally got up close and personal with the falcon. Mum and I had gone over the fence onto the river edge to look for it as the doves were circling and the tui was making its alarm call. Suddenly it shot along below the stopbank then turned and headed straight for me. It saw me so did a sudden u-turn and landed back on top of the stopbank. After a few moments it flew back along in front of us then up to perch on Mum and Dads back fence.
I was able to get to about twenty feet away to take these photos as falcons are naturally quite bold around humans. This bird is in lovely condition and I am guessing from its size that it is a female as they are quite a bit larger than the males. Of course its difficult to tell without having another to compare it with but I'm guessing she's a she.
When the falcon relaxed she closed up her right eye which made me suspect there was something wrong with it. The low sun was coming in from her left so she wasn't just squinting in the sun. And in the front on shot it looks a little different to the other... Perhaps thats why she's after the easy to catch doves.

1 comment:
What a huge treat! Lucky you!
I love the shot of the bird on the wire fence and the one above it especially. Way to go you!
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