Monday 18 January 2010

Moko's moved in.

Moko cruised up the Whakatane River this afternoon bringing with him his favourite toy of the moment, a large dead eel. Of the crowd of fans on the far side of the river he persuaded just a few of them to join in his game of "fetch" which meant they had to throw his toy for him. Obviously large dead eels are not the easiest of things to throw!

He then found other things to play with like...girls,
Big boats, (great for riding bow waves)

Small boats, and kayaks.
I've spent two days watching him in the water swimming with other people and I can't stand it any longer - tomorrow I'm getting in with him!!! I even bought a swimsuit today. (Unfortunately most of my body has a glowing "moon tan" as I'm not given to baring much in public - Moko has a lot to answer for.) Troy and I are both booked in to go out with Whale and Dolphin Watch again. I can't wait!!!!


Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Go Mandy. Have fun!

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

ewww, eels! I don't mind them while they're in water but not in my hands!
This looks like a great way to start your year, and a fabulous memory for a long time:)