I was having a sort out of photos lately as "he who knows about computers" has informed me that I have over 46 gigabytes of photos and that apparently is lots. Anyhoo I came across some pics I have taken in the last month or two that I quite like so I thought I'd share them.
This is obviously just a sparrow but I like that I caught him just as he's taking off.
Above is a juvenile white-faced heron. You can tell he's a young one because the white mask on his face has yet to develop properly. I think the appeal of this shot was the lovely reflections in the frog pond by the local skate bowl.
I like this shot of a white fronted tern taken at Ohiwa Harbour mainly because of the position of the tail and wings. These birds have such black heads and eyes that the two blend together so that you can't make out the eyes at all. And they also have strangely small feet which is kinda weird.

"just a sparrow" are you being a bird snob Mandy? lol. It's a lovely pic and I happen to like sparrows:) It helps that they are one of the few I can get close too with my camera! I just found out the Kati Kati has a bird walk that has white faced herons. I'm looking forward to going there when the kids are back at school. I don't think 3 kids and an adult walking would be a quiet enough environment to spot them in some how!
Lovely Tui photo, nice to see one looking a little less elegant but still beautiful. Did I tell you my eldest's name is Tui?
Your birds of Paradise painting is immaculate, you've got talent oozing from you "Dame" Mandy!
Do you use a tripod for your bird photos and just watch a spot? I am a little worried that when I finally get my lens I will end up with blur....
Ooops guilty - I'm a bird snob!
I bet your Tui is just as lovely as her namesake.
No I don't use a tripod, sometimes a monopod but very rarely. I set my camera on shutter priority, choose the right ISO setting for the lighting conditions then use the fastest shutter speed I can. In good light I like to shoot at about 640 to 800th/second. If there's less light I choose a higher ISO to get the faster shutter speeds. With my 40D I can set the ISO at about 800 without digital noise being too much of a problem.
What kind of lens are you looking at getting? What aperture range in particular?
Hi Mandy, I have to confess that I am useless with numbers! I don't know what model number lense I want. Honestly I am planning on going in and saying to the sales person...this is what I've got and this is what I want it to do..lol!
I figure they will go and get what I need. Shocking I know!
The lense I have now does nothing to help me get a close up, it was standard with the Nikon and it's great for things I can actually get close too but not so good for birds etc. Sometimes I think the resulting photo actually looks further away!
I guess I will have to re-learn some things when I get it! (the type of lense it is for a start lol)
Ha ha, don't feel bad. I'm the same with the exception that I live with a proffessional photographer who takes care of all the technical stuff for me. (I even made him proofread my last comment to make sure it made sense!) I think we creative people use the opposite side of our brain than those technological minded people.Its rare that the two go together. Troy buys his new lenses and cameras off dealers on trademe. You get a guarantee and everything and they are cheaper than the big retailers. Email me if you want and let me know what you want to spend, what camera you have and what you want to get out of it. He can advise you as to what you should be considering and the best place to go to get it.
Wheew, glad I'm not alone! I always feel a little dense when it comes to discussing numbers and tech speak! If I end up dealing in cash and not credit when I buy my new lense I will be sure to sing out. Thankyou:)
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