Wednesday 5 October 2011

Latest Paintings

This is my first post since early June, nearly four months ago. Sorry to anyone who followed my blog but I just haven't been in the right frame of mind due to a whole lot of stuff that's been going on in my life. Lost my mojo for a while - have hardly even taken any photos. Still, its spring now so I'm done with the winter blues and I'm determined to get my inspiration back. Here are my latest four paintings.



Dad Burger said...

These are beautiful Mandy.

Is there any chance that the first two were painted at a different time/phase as the last two?

Mandy said...

Thanks Buck. Yes they were painted first. I was short on inspiration so I began experimenting with stencilling in conjunction with transparent hue glazes. I came up with some lovely effects but they sat around for ages. Then one day I decided to paint birds on them. It seemed strangely logical. The third painting is the largest. I was invited to take part in an exhibition in Tauranga at Harrisons Gallery. Other artists taking part included Dick Frizzell, Brad Novak and Neil Driver so I had to come up with something special. I seem to work well under pressure and was pleased with the result.(It looks better enlarged.) The last was a study for it that was quite appealing in its own right so I got Jos to work his magic with the framing. How are things with you?

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

So nice to see you back Mandy!I've enjoyed seeing your photos and paintings and wonderful birds again.

May said...

Lovely work. Just stopped by because someone who has joined my blog watches yours. I am a writer. I well understand the loss of the "mojo".

Come visit some of my nature stuff at