I am a Professional Artist and Photographer living in Whakatane New Zealand. These are my observations in art and photography, almost always inspired by the natural world. DO NOT use my images without permission - there will be a charge for commercial use. You can view more of my creations on my website http://hague-art.wix.com/mandy-hague-artist Thanks for visiting.
Yay to the mummy bird for raising such a big bunch of chicks! So glad you photographed them before they flew the nest.
I found a nest the same day you posted this, no idea what bird made it but I bought it home...got to busy to photograph it and the next day it had been destroyed by a cat (an egg or 2 had broken inside so I guess they were hunting.) I was so bummed! Amazing nest that had a sock like tunnel from the opening to the 'cup'. I did get an intact egg from it which I blew out (funny coz I gagged over washing the chicken before cooking it but handled blowing the yolk from a bird egg...) but the moment in time for photos was gone:(
Oh what a shame! It sounds like a grey warblers nest perhaps. Was the egg tiny?
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