Today there were TWO seals sharing Wairakas rock! They appeared to be a male and a female adult in good condition. However a third seal I spotted in the water came ashore to sun itself on the rocky breakwater & this was small and very skinny. I watched a surfer make his way out along the rocks with his board and I knew he was about to come face to face with the young seal. Sure enough he stopped very suddenly and the two of them eyeballed each other for a second or two then much to the surfers relief the seal took off back into the water!
The seals have certainly caused a lot of interest among the locals. A bus load of tourists even turned up while I was there!

1 comment:
Hi there Mandy,
I have been following your blog with great interest after your mum suggested I have a peek at what you're up to. I've been marvelling at all your fabulous bird and wildlife shots.
I am currently working on a project that I feel needs one of your photos in it! Would you consider selling one of your images - I'm thinking of Wairaka with two seals and seagull on head? I need to talk to the client to see if it would be appropriate, but thought I'd ask you first what the deal might be, if you would like to sell the image. Full credit would of course be applied. Get in touch at driftwood@e3.net.nz. Thanks, Kate
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