Here's my first blog in a number of weeks now. My excuse? I've been too buggered! I have been painting hard out for the "Harrisons Gallery" exhibition which opens this Friday 25th. I'm half excited half terrified about it cause its going to be quite flash - a sponsored red carpet event with caterers and some nice wines and everything. (Will have to smuggle in my el Cheapo bottle of bubbly.) Anyway here are one or two of my favourite works. Am still painting my last one and should finish it tomorrow. Talk about cutting it fine!

I am going to take a couple of days off next week to recover so will write a few blogs to catch up on my NEW CAMERA!!!! Troy bought me a Canon D40 for my birthday and I have hardly had time to give it a good workout although I got some cool shots of a seal in the river, and a plovers nest, and some pukekos and lots of stuff......sorry it will have to wait til next time, my eyes feel like they are full of sand so I'm going to bed. Ciao!
How exciting! These are absolutely brilliant, I am in awe once again!
Can't wait to see the photos and good luck with the exhibition!
Thanks Lisa.Feel free to come down to the opening. 6:30 friday, Harrisons Gallery, 11th Ave Tauranga.
Oh and look at what I miss when I don't check the comments again. Typical!
Very thoughtfful blog
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